What Can You Do If an Insurance Company Acts in Bad Faith?
When you purchase an insurance policy, the insurance company has a legal obligation to provide the coverage that you’ve paid for when you need it. The company has a duty to negotiate and resolve any reasonable insurance claim that you make.
If an insurance company mishandles your claim and acts in “bad faith,” schedule a meeting – at no cost and with no obligation – to discuss your rights with a California insurance claims attorney at the McKennon Law Group.
What is Bad Faith?
Whenever insurance companies do not take their obligations seriously, those whose claims have been mishandled may bring a lawsuit against the insurance company – a lawsuit for insurance bad faith. Bad faith insurance practices include but are not limited to:
1. failures to investigate, negotiate, pay, or explain the rejection of a claim
2. failures to either pay or deny a claim within a reasonable period of time
3. failures to offer a settlement amount that approximates the true value of the claim
How Will the Right Attorney Help You?
If you want to pursue a lawsuit for bad faith against an insurance company, here is how an attorney at the McKennon Law Group will help you:
1. Your attorney will investigate whether the insurance company in fact acted in bad faith and determine if you have standing to file a lawsuit.
2. If you file and prevail with a lawsuit for bad faith, the insurance company will provide the compensation you seek.
3. You may be awarded your legal fees in addition to the payout for your underlying injury claim.
How Can You Prove Bad Faith?
A lawsuit for insurance bad faith must be based on particular facts. You and your attorney will have to prove that mishandling or denying your claim was more than a mistake and constituted either negligence or intentional bad faith.
After you submit an insurance claim, make and store copies of the pertinent documents; policies, letters, and medical bills, for instance. Take and keep notes from conversations with the insurance company; include the time, date, and name of the person who spoke with you.
Cases that arise from an insurance company’s bad faith are cases about betrayal. Especially if you are a policyholder who has paid your insurance premiums, you expect to be provided with the service that you’ve already paid for.
When Should You Contact an Attorney?
If an insurance company handles your claim in bad faith, an insurance claims attorney at the McKennon Law Group will find a way to prove bad faith and help you win the compensation and justice you deserve.
If you’re the victim of an insurance company’s bad faith, or if you’re not sure – whether you have an individual policy, a business policy, or if you’re included in a group plan – arrange at once to discuss your options and rights with a California insurance claims attorney.
Schedule a No-Cost Legal Consultation
For over seventy years, the insurance attorneys with the McKennon Law Group have aggressively protected policyholders and accident victims in California.
To schedule a no-cost legal consultation, to learn more, or to begin the legal process, call our law offices now at (800) 682-4137. The McKennon Law Group’s offices are located in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Newport Beach.